Camping Los Escullos
Spain / Andalusia
Southern Spain is an extremely popular holiday destination for campers. The coastal regions of the Costa Brava, Costa Blanca, Costa de la Luz and Costa Daurada are particularly popular. A mobile home makes travelling uncomplicated and provides comfortable accommodation. Depending on their preferences, guests can spend the night with a view of the sea or alternatively the vineyards of Andalusia. The varied leisure activities on the campsites and the comprehensive facilities are arguments for a perfect camping holiday in southern Spain.
14,400+ campsites
all around Europe196,700+ reviews
from real campers15 million users
on the PiNCAMP sites5.800+ campsites
with trusted ADAC classificationSpain / Andalusia
Very goodNumber of campsites | 67 |
Campsite reviews | 338 |
Ø-ratings | 3.4 |